Constitutional and legal status of advocacy of Ukraine


  • Т. Б. Вільчик Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого, Ukraine



advocate, advocacy and state authorities, advocacy and judiciary, advocacy and civil society, constitutional and legal status of advocacy


Problem formulation. One of the conditions of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union is building of such an advocacy system and creation of legislation on its organization and operation, which standards would represent the democratic legal advocacy model. Because only with the proper functioning of this institution the development of democracy and the rule of law are possible, what, in turn, is one of the main criteria for Ukraine’s membership in the European Union. Analysis of recent research and publications. The issue of the advocacy legal status in one way or another is considered in the works of foreign and domestic scientists. However, firstly, most studies were conducted before the adoption of the Law of Ukraine «About advocacy and legal practice» 2012, secondly, many issues still require their scientific research, including from the point of view of the revaluation of the role and importance of the advocacy in the light of European integration aspirations of Ukraine. Presentation of the research main material. The article gives the definition of the constitutional and legal status of advocacy in Ukraine, its purpose and functions at the present stage of the statehood development, the relationships between the advocacy and the public, including the judiciary, civil society are investigated, the existence of the institution of legal lawyer’s aid are substantiated on the basis of the analysis of international documents, domestic legislation and scientific literature on these issues. Conclusion. Fundamental in determining the advocacy place and role as one of the human rights institutions of the state is that at the same time it is an integral part of the state machinery of the administration of justice and vital for the effective functioning of the judiciary, designed to control constitutionally the activity of executive and legislative power in the sphere of ensuring the constitutional rights and freedoms. The advocacy place in the modern legal system can be characterized as a way of limiting state power by means of establishment and operation of an independent human rights institution that facilitates with its activity to implement the constitutional function of the state – to realize and to protect human rights and freedoms. Constitutional-legal status allows lawyers to participate actively in ensuring the rights not only of every individual but also the whole civil society, to implement a human rights function effectively, providing interoperability of the institutional systems of the state and civil society.

Author Biography

Т. Б. Вільчик, Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого

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How to Cite

Вільчик, Т. Б. (2016). Constitutional and legal status of advocacy of Ukraine. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 2(8), 4.

