Economic nature of money as an object of civil rights
money, the economic nature of money, the economic functions of money, civil law functions of moneyAbstract
Problem setting. In general, scientific attention is paid to the bipolar nature of money, which is shown in the economic origin and legal stipulation of their existence. That is why, before considering money as a legal category, we need to pay attention to their economic specifics.
Recent research and publications analysis. The issue at different times were explored by such scholars as J. M. Keynes, K. Marx, K. L. McConnell, S. L. Brue, I. Fischer, M. Friedman, A. Hayek, P. P. Tsitovich, L. A. Luntz, G. F. Shershenevich, A. S. Galchinskiy, O. V. Sokolova, S. A. Tchernetsov, G. N. Beloglazova, L. A. Novoselova.
Paper objective. The objective of the paper is the clarification of the economic nature of money as an object of civil rights and detection of economic and legal connections in the considered object.
Paper main body. Economic nature of money usually appears in the definitions offered by various scholars. Money is defined as allowable mean of exchange, which is accepted in exchange for goods and services and can be used for the accumulation of wealth and future use. According to the dominated approach in the western economy, money is something that performs the functions of money. Today, the functional approach is the priority for determining the economic nature of money.
Conclusions of the research. Thus, it can be concluded that the economic nature of money is determined by the functions they perform in property turnover. Based on the economic functions of money, we can set the basic direction of the influence of money in the law in general and civil law relations in particular.
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the economic segment in the doctrine of money as the object of civil rights. The main approaches to determining the economic substance of money are examined, especially functional approach, which was approved by the economic and legal science.
Key words: money, the economic nature of money, the economic functions of money, civil law functions of money.
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