The treaty as a legal construction
the treaty, legal structure, legal construction of a treaty, contractual regulationAbstract
Problem setting. Today the contract remains the most flexible legal form (design) which can опосредствовать the public relations diversified in effect. The contract as the tool of legal regulation along with traditional application in private law sphere, in modern conditions is applied and in public law sphere (publicly legal contract). In this connection there is a requirement to investigate the contract as a universal legal design. Recent research and publications analysis. Problems contractual jural relations were recently an object of research of many authors, such as S.Alekseev, V. Bernaz, O. Dobrovolsky, V. Ivanov, J. Merkulov, V. Milash, M. Nekrasov, S. Podoljak, B. Puginsky, J. Serkova, I. Spasibo-Fateeva, J. Tikhomirov, O. Halabudenko, Z. Yudin, L. Javich etc., however for today this question nevertheless should be defined as scantily explored in a context of the system approach to the contract and its legal designs that causes an urgency of this article both in theoretical, and in practical aspects. Paper objective. The purpose of given article is consideration of a contractual design and carrying out of the analysis of scientific views on the given problematics. Paper main body. A term «legal construction» is one of the most widespread and actively used in researches legists. Thus a concept and essence of legal constructions are examined by authors from different positions, often for him inlay different sense, however an idea about importance of this resource of legal technique
gathers often, that testifies to actuality of comprehensive analysis of legal constructions, going out the specific of mechanism of adjusting of separate institutes of right. Composition and description of ingredients of construction of contract are thus important not only: taking into account system character of legal construction, impermissible to disengage oneself from the questions of intercommunication between these ingredients, that often results in unbalance of rights, promises and responsibility. The variety of contracts in the field of the legal adjusting dictates a specific in relation to the legal constructions of corresponding contracts. As marked, to this pores in a scientific concord not produced only idea about such legal phenomenon, as a legal construction, and in particular, legal construction of contract. Most scientists position a legal construction as means of legal technique, means of constructing of right, specific construction of rights, promises and responsibility in text of normative certificate or other source of right. A legal construction is examined also as an ideal model of the relations managed by a right. Not succeeding to the discussion, will take for basis understanding of legal construction as a legal model of behavior of subjects of corresponding relations. In relation to the concept of contract, then it should be noted that a contract is the difficult social and legal system and difficult enough phenomenon that has a few aspects of understanding : а) legal relationships, б) a legal fact, в) document that certifies the fact of conclusion of treaty, г) legal construction that mediate public relations. At consideration of contract as legal relationships, it follows to pay attention on his legal maintenance. Conclusions of the research. The problem of creation of the general concept and the general theory of the contract gradually began to be investigated as generaltheoretical. Accordingly the contract needs to be considered as is standard legal model which consists of system components-elements (the parties of the contract, essential treaty provisions, the agreement of the parties, obligations jural relations, the legal purpose of the contract), connected among themselves functional legal communications (norms of realisation of the right). In this aspect contract research
will allow to understand the legal nature of the given phenomenon, and also to raise efficiency of legal regulation of relations in all spheres in which they are applied.
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