International experience of implementing e-justice: best practices and challenges
electronic justice, e-justice, classification, international experience, judiciaryAbstract
The implementation of e-justice is an important aspect of the modernization of judicial systems around the world. Research and analysis of international experience allows to identify best practices and challenges faced by other countries during the implementation of electronic justice, which will help develop own strategy for reforming the judicial system or adapt them for Ukraine. That is why, the purpose of this article is to analyze the international experience of implementing electronic justice, classify countries according to the degree of development of e-justice, as well as identify best practices that can be applied in Ukraine. Conducting this research is extremely important and relevant, as it will reveal the level of implementation of electronic technologies in the judicial system of different countries of the world and determine the best strategies and practices, as well as factors that slow down this process. The research methodology was formed by a set of general scientific and special methods of cognition, namely, methods of dialectics, system analysis, comparative legal, classification and typology, formal logical, historical and empirical methods. The article analyzes in detail the experience of implementing e-justice in foreign countries, in particular in Estonia, Lithuania, Austria, Germany, Poland, Moldova, Greece, and Serbia. Attention is focused on the lack of a comprehensive approach to assessing the level of implementation of electronic justice in foreign countries in the scientific space, and the author's classification of countries according to the degree of implementation of electronic justice, which are divided into countries with a high, medium and low level of such implementation, is proposed. Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that countries with a high level of implementation of e-justice have a well-developed infrastructure and legal framework. Countries with an average level of e-justice implementation are actively working on the implementation of e-justice, but still have certain aspects for improvement. Conversely, low-implementation countries face a number of obstacles and need significant efforts to improve their judicial systems.
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