Preferential right in the mode of joint partial ownership
common property, joint ownership, preferential right of a purchase, preferential rightAbstract
The article studies the institute of preferential rights. In the first place, this institution is associated with the purchase of a share in the right of joint partial ownership. The relevance of this study is determined by the processes of Ukraine’s integration into the European and world community and the need to take into account the positive foreign experience of legal regulation of the institute of preferential rights, which is impossible without studying this institute in different legal systems. To bring Ukrainian legislation closer to an international level, the article explores the right of preferential purchase in such developed countries as Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France.
The article deals with the institute of preferential rights, starting from Roman law and up to nowadays. In Roman law much emphasis was paid to individual rights and was given more autonomy. There was no requirement to take certain actions in favor of others, for example, they did not have the right to buy preferences. Today, the right of preemptive purchase serves only private interests.
Also author of the article considers the right of preferential purchase in European legal systems. This is due to the processes of Ukraine’s integration into the European and world community and the need to take into account the positive foreign experience of legal regulation of the institution of preferential rights, which is impossible without studying this institution in different legal systems. The article examines the historical development of the preferential right in the countries of the Roman-Germanic legal family. A comparative legal analysis of the law of preferential purchases in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Ukraine is conducted. The article focuses on the legal nature of preferential purchasing rights. In these countries there are certain features of the phenomenon of preferential rights. The difference between the substantive and obligatory design of the right of preferential purchase is considered.
Author gives different examples of implementation of the preferential right of joint ownership, in which cases a person has or has no preferential right, can or can not make a purchase, compensate expensesReferences
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