The legislative’s inquiry rights ahead of corruption eradication commission performance


  • Azis Setyagama Law Faculty of Panca Marga University Probolinggo, Indonesia



Inquiry rights, Legislative Assembly, KPK, Corruption act, E-KTP


This study proposed to disclose the legislative’s Inquiry Rights ahead of corruption eradication commission (KPK) performance since many officials state are involved in corruption which includes the members of the Legislative Assembly (DPR). The inquiry rights appeal regarding the performance and budget management of KPK apparatus. It is appeal due to electronic identity card (E-KTP) case which involved members of legislative assembly. This study uses nominative approach pointing to the law No. 17/2014 concern with the MPR, DPR, DPRD and DPD and law No. 30/2002 concern with commission eradication сorruption. In addition, it also uses the sociological approach in term of public response to The Legislative Assembly’s inquiry rights appeal. This study revealed that the Inquiry right appealed by Legislative Assembly constitutionally was legal since it was one of the three right of legislative assembly. However, the inquiry right appealed by Legislative assembly regard with Id-card case potentially to hinder the KPK’s performance to prevent any corruption act in Indonesia. Additionally, this appeal also creates pros and cons because the society does not in line with it

Author Biography

Azis Setyagama, Law Faculty of Panca Marga University Probolinggo

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Lecturer of Constitutional Law at Law Faculty


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How to Cite

Setyagama, A. (2018). The legislative’s inquiry rights ahead of corruption eradication commission performance. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1(13), 22.

