The questions of business law support of services in education


  • Л. В. Таран Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого, Ukraine



business, consumer, classification, education services, out school education


Formulation of the problem. Modern development of mankind requires laying the foundations of education of the individual, society, nation and state to be the key to the future ofUkraine. It is a determining factor in the political, socio-economic, cultural and scientific life of society. An urgent task – is to ensure the availability of quality education throughout life for all citizens and further strengthening its national character. The content of education and organization of educational process are continuously updated in accordance with the democratic values and the principles of market economy, modern science and technology. Instead, the central task of commercial law science – is to create high-quality mechanism of regulation of educational services.

Background study confirmed the high interest of society and business entities to educational activities, while there is no significant amount of basic research on the regulation of educational services inUkraine.

State study. Scientific analysis of the commercial law support educational activities inUkraine carried out a number of local scientists. Among them should be noted B.V. Derevyanko, T.P. Kozar, H.O. Ponomarenko, V. Beschasnyy and no., who served as the fundamental basis for further study of the question under consideration.

The purpose and objective of the article is to study the economic and legal regulation of the organization and provision of educational services entities of different kind of property. Particular attention is paid to the types of services and their classification, provided in various educational institutions.

Conclusion. Parties to the provision of educational services are subject to commercial law. Among us the education that module be entrepreneurial or nonprofit entities. Services provided navchalnmy institutions can be classified as basic services of direct transfer of knowledge and skills; additional – those that are designed to transfer knowledge and skills, but others different from basic, manner; Other educational services – are provided in education, and not educational. In extracurricular educational activities are all kinds of services, but their content is wider school curriculum.

Author Biography

Л. В. Таран, Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого

канд. юрид. наук,
доцент кафедри господарського права


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How to Cite

Таран, Л. В. (2016). The questions of business law support of services in education. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 2(10), 6.



Commercial and financial law