Guarantees the rights of common mineral resources


  • Р. В. Біловус National Law University Yaroslav the Wise, Ukraine



subsoil, law, general use, subsoil use, nature use, guarantees


Problem Setting. This article is dedicated to the characterization of the main legal aspects of general guarantees the right of subsoil use, attempts to analyze and determine their shape and provide specific features. Revealed shortcomings of legal regulation of this issue and investigate the possible ways to overcome existing gaps in legislation on this issue.

The purpose of the article – to find out the specifics on the research of legal regulation guarantees the right of public mineral resources.

An essential condition to guarantee the unimpeded exercise of common mineral resources is its protection against real or potential threats due, firstly, depletion of subsoil, change their properties as a result of human activity that prevents free access to natural (mineral) properties of the mineral resources, and, Secondly, the establishment of restrictions or prohibitions subsoil in the implementation of the law.

The current legislation ofUkrainedoes not reveal the legal nature of some of the important issues of subsoil use rights overall. There are still not investigated these questions in the science of law that affects the state and law-enforcement in general subsoil.

Guaranteeing the rights of common mineral resources means legally defined as the ability of each or certain social groups require the State create a system of positive regulation of general relations subsoil, filling gaps in the regulatory and interim mechanism, removal of existing conflicts or unjustified restrictions on legal support.

Conclusions. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the legislation provides a number of legal safeguards to ensure the exercise of common mineral resources. Right total mineral resources in view of the above, including giving legal enforceability of: 1) the use of subsoil and their natural (useful) properties that are within the generic use to meet vital needs: aesthetic, health, recreation, domestic and commercial, etc; 2) require the State from all businesses and individuals carry out their duties with the intended use and reproduction and protection of natural resources that are within the general right of subsoil use, to prevent such a state subsoil harmful impact on public health or the environment; 3) if necessary to apply for state and public protection of their violated rights.

At the same time guarantees mentioned above can only be seen in the context of the common ways of subsoil users the rights or the rights of individuals to use natural resources in general terms. As a result, safeguards are not taken into account the general characteristics of the right of subsoil use, specific facility use. These circumstances weakens the effectiveness of the existing guarantees their ability to provide the necessary degree of protection and access to mineral resources and their useful properties that form the object of common mineral resources. Under these circumstances it seems appropriate, along with existing legal safeguards in the legislation to provide specific guarantees of the right common mineral resources.

Author Biography

Р. В. Біловус, National Law University Yaroslav the Wise

Researcher of the Department of Environmental Law


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How to Cite

Біловус, Р. В. (2016). Guarantees the rights of common mineral resources. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1(9), 16.

