Forensic and pharmaceutical examination of the facts of poisoning as a result of illegal circulation of counterfeit alcoholic beverages on the stage of consumption
forensic pharmacy, forensic medicines, circulation, counterfeit alcohol beverages, poisoning, treatment, the Criminal Code of Ukraine, doctor, patient, pharmacist, lawyerAbstract
Problem setting. Health institutions record facts that people come for treatment with health problems as a result of poisoning by counterfeit alcoholic beverages (CAB), which come to the trading network under the well-known brands that prevents consumers during visual inspection to distinguish them from quality products.
Recent research and publications analysis. When conducting forensic and pharmaceutical researches found the presence of causality between abuse by the CAB and deaths due to poisoning with CAB. According to the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, in some regions there is a constant threat of mass poisoning by the CAB because of their low quality and high availability to the public.
Paper objective. The aim of the work is to examine the facts of poisoning due to illegal circulation during the use of the CAB from the position of forensic pharmacy for development of the improvement of legal, social and economic methods of proliferation to the CAB.
Paper main body. Forensic and pharmaceutical examples of organized criminality members associated with illegal circulation of the CAB indicate that it is through professional actions of the police, investigators, prosecutors and lawyers who stopped criminal activities of members of an organized criminal group in Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Kharkiv and Lviv regions. Today in Ukraine due to free circulation of the CAB and low control on the part of prosecutors and relevant services of the national police for the circulation of alcohol products through a commercial network there are not only numerous violations of social and economic rights of citizens to have access to quality and safety alcoholic beverages and to the lack of effective protection mechanism and restoration of their rights through reimbursement for treatment. Therefore, the authors suggested proposals to strengthen criminal responsibility for illegal circulation (at the stages of production, storage, sale, transportation, etc.) with the purpose of sale or sale of the CAB by editing articles 199 and 204 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Conclusions of the research. As a result of the forensic and pharmaceutical examination of the facts of poisoning as a result of illegal circulation (use) of the CAB found: ► distribution and circulation of the CAB are detected by the law enforcement agencies throughout Ukraine; ► production scale of the CAB reach tens of tons, which adversely affects the health of the population of the regions where CAB found; ► proposed legislative initiatives regarding changes and amendments in articles 199 and 204 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine concerning the strengthen of the criminal liability for illegal production and sales of the CAB; ► defined the future direction of research on healthcare insurance affected by the CAB and improving of the relationships in the chain "investigator – prosecutor – criminal – judge – doctor – patient (victim) – pharmacist – lawyer."
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