Definition and composition of the water fund lands of Ukraine


  • Олена Миколаївна Дроваль Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого, Ukraine



water fund land, the composition of the water fund lands, the purpose of the water fund lands, determination of the water fund lands, coastal protection zones, water protection zones


Problem statement. Today, the legal doctrine ofUkraine lacks a proper general analysis of the legal regime of the water resource inventory lands. The subject is especially relevant for revealing the nature of that category of lands and their effective utilization.  In this respect, a need arises to research the legislation of Ukraine and scientific concepts as to legal regulation of the water resource inventory lands, the features, specificity and content of which is to be explored.

The topical value of the research. The objective and goals of the research are to analyze the specific features of legal regulation of the water resource inventory lands, develop a doctrinal conception of the said land category, their main designated purpose, structure, and formulate a series of conclusions, which should be of both theoretical and practical significance.

Recent research and publications analysis. Certain aspects of the problem have been considered in the works by such land law scholars as V. Аndreitsev, H. Аnisimova, О. Donets, А. Hetman, V. Hordieiev, І. Каrakash, P. Кulynych, А. Міroshnychenko, V. Nosik, О. Pohorielova, О. Pohribnyi, А. Sokolova, А Тurubyner, Yu. Shemshuchenko, М. Shulha, Yu. Vovk and other scientists.

The aim of the article. The paper presents a theoretical generalization and provides a new solution to the scientific task of determining the features, specificity and content of the legal regime of the water resource inventory lands. With regard to the theoretical provisions presented in the paper, as well as a study of the modern scientific achievements, analysis of the national legislation ofUkraine and international experience in the field, a number of conclusions of theoretical and practical significance have been formulated.

Conclusions of the research. Based on the analysis of the national laws relating to lands of the researched category and the legislation genesis, the author concludes as follows: continuous changes of the character of relations pertaining to use and protection of the water resource inventory lands have stipulated the introduction and development of the normative regulation of that kind of social relations in specific regulatory acts; elaboration of legislation relating to lands of the water resource inventory was incoherent and non-simultaneous; despite a sufficient number of normative and regulatory acts, adopted after approval of the Land Code in 2001, many issues concerning the use and protection of the water resource inventory lands remain unresolved, the legal regulation of relations pertaining to their use being applied at the level of bylaws, which does not comply with the call of today. In this connection, the legal regime of the water inventory lands is incomplete as for legal regulation sphere and thus requires improvement.

Author Biography

Олена Миколаївна Дроваль, Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого

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How to Cite

Дроваль, О. М. (2016). Definition and composition of the water fund lands of Ukraine. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1(9), 15.

