Methods of implementing the protection of civil rights of the parties to the bank deposit agreement in judicial practice


  • Юрій Миколайович Моісеєнко Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine



methods of protection, protection of civil rights, bank deposit agreement


Problem Setting. This article analyzes the problem of development of the banking crisis in legal relations which arise in connection with the fulfillment of the conditions of bank deposit agreement. The threat of mass non-fulfillment of conditions of the specified contract and the actual imposition of duties by banking institutions on the State of Ukraine in the face of the Individuals Guarantee Fund made to compensate deposits to depositors leads to the increase of financial "burden" on the state.

The actuality of the topic. Considering this, the author examines the particularities of implementation of the methods of civil rights protection of the bank deposit agreement in judicial practice. Specifiying exhaustiveness of the methods of judicial protection provided for in the Civil Code of Ukraine, attention is paid to the non-enhancement of such position even considering the possibility of using methods of protection by the court which are specified by law or by contract. Based on this, the author considers it necessary to implement on the legislative level the position of the draft of  EPCode of Ukraine the possibility of determining by the court in decision of an effective method to protect the violated right, if the law or the contract do not define such a method.

The purpose of the article. Protection subjective civil rights in the context of the contract of bank deposit (deposit) occurs in case of violation or breach of the terms of these agreements. According to Art. 1058 CC the contract of bank deposit (Deposit) one party (the bank), which took from the other party (depositor) or her a sum of money (deposit) received, obligated to pay the depositor such amount and interest on it or income in another form under the conditions and in the manner prescribed by the contract. Bank deposit agreement in which the investor is an individual, a public contract.

Recognition of unlawful decisions, actions or omissions of state authorities, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or local self-government, their officials and officers in the context of protecting the subjective rights of parties to the contract of bank deposit (deposit) is relevant because of the action or appeal omission authorized officers of the Fund deposit guarantee performed by them in the performance of their authority in legal directed to refund deposits of individuals. In practice, the courts administrative jurisdiction of one of the types of cases refers to the solution of such relationships.

In summary, we can state feasibility study issues related to the protection of violated civil rights of the parties deposit agreement. In particular, how to protect these rights as related to the jurisdiction of the judiciary and the nature of legal disputes. Another subject of study in this regard could be a question of forms protect the civil rights of the parties deposit agreement and the effectiveness of enforcement of judgments in civil cases of this category.

Author Biography

Юрій Миколайович Моісеєнко, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Моісеєнко, Ю. М. (2016). Methods of implementing the protection of civil rights of the parties to the bank deposit agreement in judicial practice. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1(9), 10.

