The issue of licensing in telecommunications field
licensing, telecommunications, European Union statesAbstract
Problem setting. New stage of the Ukrainian telecommunications – is the stage of Ukrainian society transformation based on convergent association of information and telecommunications in the electronic information society. The state as a public relations organizer should provide the telecommunications services using by its citizens exclusively in the legal field. Target of research. The aim of the article is to examine the legal regulation and problems of licensing in telecommunications field, as well as analysis of the relevant experience of EU countries. The object of the research is a licensing system in the telecommunications field. Article’s main body. The Law of Ukraine «On Telecommunications» determines the list of activities that are subject to licensing in the telecommunications field. To carry out the activities in the telecommunications field concerning with providing the Internet access services, operators and providers of telecommunications should be guided by explanation letter that is available at NCRCI official internet page. The principles of licensing of communications services in Europe established by Directive of European Parliament and the Council «On a common framework for general authorizations and individual licenses in the telecommunications services field». This document establishes the possibility of the operators to act in the general framework of permits and/or individual licenses. Conclusion. In the European Union licensing system coexists harmoniously with the permit system, that greatly simplifies the procedure of registration (authorization) and activities (the provision of certain services) of entity in the telecommunications field.
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