Theoretical approaches to the concept of administrative services.


  • О. К. Туркова аспірант кафедри адміністративного права та адміністративної діяльності, Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого, Ukraine



public services, management services, administrative services, features of administrative services, the institution of administrative services, service activities


Problem setting. We know that the service sector today – is one of the most promising areas of public administration, which quite rapidly. The transition to consumer-oriented models of government provided for by the Constitution of Ukraine, art. 3 which states that "a person's life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value ... affirm and ensure human rights and freedoms is the main duty of the state" [1].

Therefore it is necessary to study the concept of "administrative services" by systematizing analysis on a variety of theoretical approaches to determining the content of the concept.

Recent research and publications analysis. Given the relevance of administrative services, this issue has long given considerable attention of domestic scholars. Thus, administrative services issues explored in the works W. Averyanova, Andrew A., I. Bondarenko, V. Venediktov V. Petovky, Karpenko A., I. Koliushko, V. Kolpakov, Alexander Lipentseva, Vladimir Marchenko, Alexander Obolensky, G. Pisarenko, V. Soroko, V. Tymoshchuk and others.

Paper objective analysis of theoretical approaches to the meaning of "administrative services" and, above all, to ascertain the nature of this concept in the doctrine of public administration.

Paper main body. The official definition of "administrative services" provided by the Law ofUkraine "On Administrative Services" № 5203-VI dated 6 September 2012. According to which, the administrative service - the result of exercise of power subject of administrative services at the request of a person or entity, aimed at the acquisition, modification or termination of rights and/or obligations of that person [4].

The first legal act, which was occupied notion of services provided by the executive, was President of Ukraine Decree "On measures to implement the Concept of administrative reform inUkraine" number 810/98 of 22.07.1998. But the concept contains multiple concepts: state services, management services, and public services. In addition, a number of regulations that were adopted later, also used the term "administrative services", "paid services provided by public authorities."

Professor V. Averyanov confirming the correctness and terminological certainty the term "service" from the executive authorities, drew attention to certain characteristics irrelevance of these services as "management". Instead, focuses not on the "power-organizational" aspect of the response (as "management" - a power-organizational impact), and the fact that they are carried out by public (national and local) administration. That is the most appropriate, according to the scientist, it is the use of the term "administrative services" [8, p. 38].

Koliushko IV and V. Tymoshchuk considered more appropriate to use the definition of "administrative services", noting that the so-called "broad" understanding of the concept of managerial services virtually identical to the concept "public services", which also includes services, which provide public authorities and bodies local governments are indirectly responsible, although not directly provide them (eg medical assistance).

Conclusions of the research. Analysis of the above theoretical approaches to the definition of "administrative services" demonstrates the diversity of views about the scientific understanding of this category.

This is a clear proof that the institution of administrative services inUkrainerequires further elaboration and legislative regulation, since providing services primarily depends on the effectiveness of the executive authorities, government officials and officials directly involved in the provision of administrative services.

Therefore, the definition of "administrative services" inUkraineremains a problem to this day.


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How to Cite

Туркова, О. К. (2016). Theoretical approaches to the concept of administrative services. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1(9), 19.

