The features of the interrogation of persons who participates in criminal proceedings, in respect of imposing compulsory medical measures at the pre-trial investigation


  • Д. О. Шингарьов Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого,Україна, м. Харків, Ukraine



pre-trial investigation, interrogation, compulsory medical measures, testimonies, criminal procedure capacity, forensic psychiatric examination


Problem setting. One of the tasks of criminal proceedings, proclaimed in Article 2 of Criminal procedure code ofUkraine, is applying to each participant of the criminal procedure proper legal procedure. As is know, mentally ill persons can be involved to the criminal procedure activity. That is why in the Criminal procedure code ofUkraine, criminal proceedings in the matter of application of compulsory medical measures were defined as a special procedure for criminal proceedings. But ambiguous understanding of the legal regulation of such procedure causes different views of scientists – can the person who participates in criminal proceedings, in respect of imposing compulsory medical measures be interrogated or not?

Recent research and publications analysis. Problems of the criminal proceedings in the matter of application of compulsory medical measures always were in the centre of scientists attention. In particular, such scientist devoted to these questions their works: V.D. Adamenko, O.M. Bichkov, V.V. Gorinov, O.V. Mishchenko, A.F. Nazarova, O.P. Rizhakov, L.G. Tatianina, G.K. Teteryatnik, R.M. Shageeva, S.L. Sharenko, M.Ye. Shumylo, S.P. Sherba.

Paper objective is to analyze the features of the interrogation of persons who participates in criminal proceedings, in respect of imposing compulsory medical measures at the pre-trial investigation and to figure out the content of such law categories as sanity (insanity) and criminal procedure capacity (incapacity).

Paper main body. In Article 506 of the Criminal procedure code of Ukraine determined, that a person in whose respect it is provided to apply compulsory medical measures or the matter of applying was considered shall enjoy the rights of the suspect and the accused in the scope which is determined by the nature of mental disorder or mental disease as established in accordance with findings of forensic psychiatric examination, and shall realize such rights through a legal representative, defense counsel. According to this, procedural status of person who participates in criminal proceedings, in respect of imposing compulsory medical measures is not identical to the procedural status of suspect. So, insanity persons don’t notification of suspicion, because in their actions there are no grounds for criminal liability.

But if the character of mental disorder, even it exist, don’t prevents of interrogation, the investigator or the prosecutor can to conduct this investigative action. Its explains by the category of criminal procedure capacity. Scientists defined this category as a ability of persons to realize their criminal procedure rights and obligations by proceeding of the procedural actions.

At the same time, the right of the investigator or the prosecutor to conduct this investigative action appears only after the forensic psychiatric examination. According to Article 242 of the Criminal procedure code ofUkraine, this type of forensic examination is compulsory, for ascertaining mental state of the suspect upon availability of information which casts doubt on his sanity or limited capacity. Guided of the results of forensic psychiatric examination, the investigator determine the question of criminal procedure capacity of the person – can be she interrogated or not.

Conclusion of the research. So, conducting of such investigative action as interrogation of the person who participates in criminal proceedings, in respect of imposing compulsory medical measures is possibly. But the investigator or the prosecutor cant to interrogate the person who participates in criminal proceedings, in respect of imposing compulsory medical measures without ascertainment the ability of such person to perceive reality. At the same time, this ability should be designate in the forensic psychiatric examination

Author Biography

Д. О. Шингарьов, Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого,Україна, м. Харків

аспірант кафедри кримінального процесу


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How to Cite

Шингарьов, Д. О. (2016). The features of the interrogation of persons who participates in criminal proceedings, in respect of imposing compulsory medical measures at the pre-trial investigation. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1(9), 21.

