Problems of legal regulation of usage of water sources in Ukraine


  • Марина Костянтинівна Черкашина "Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого", Ukraine



groundwater discharge, water source, surface water, water body, use of water sources


Problem Setting. The lack of a legal definition of «water source» and the ambiguity in the legal regulation of the use of well-water leads to neglect of water sources, uncontrolled loss, pollution and exhaustion of water resources. Therefore, the need to define the legal concept of «water source», studies the use and protection of these water bodies due to the lack of proper legal regulation of the rational use of water sources.

The actuality of the topic. In connection with the aggravation of environmental problems related to pollution of water resources inUkraine, the issue is the preservation of well-water quality, because the value of water sources is the possibility of their use for drinking water or balneology. In this regard, the relevance of theoretical studies of this issue is needed to improve the relevant legislation with the aim of forming an effective organizational and legal mechanism of rational usage and protection of water sources.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Today in legal science the concept of «water source» has not been developed, and it is not paid enough attention to the usage and protection of water sources exactly, as separate water bodies. Despite the fact that the use and legal protection of natural resources as a whole and its individual components investigated in the science of environmental law, particularly in the scientific works of V. I. Andreytseva, A. P. Hetmana, V. M. Komarnitskogo, V. L. Muntyana, etc.

The purpose of the article. The purpose of this article is to clarify the content and the definition of such scientific and legislative concept as «water source», its place among other water bodies, research of features of legal relationships which arise up concerning the use of the well-water, and also analysis of problem questions in the legal regulation of general and special use of water sources. As a result of the conducted research the location of water sources among other water bodies was clarified, and it was proposed to include water sources to surface water with appropriate legal regulation of their use and protection, and it was defined the water source as a concentrated natural emergence of groundwater from various rock directly on the ground surface. It was found that water sources, the water quality which complies with environmental and sanitary standards, can be used as drinking water sources.

Conclusions. It was given the particular nature of the water source, the proposed consolidate regulations on the use of the water bodies on the rights of the general water use and the specification of the powers of the relevant bodies of state power and local self-government regarding protection and management of water sources

Author Biography

Марина Костянтинівна Черкашина, "Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого"

доцент кафедри екологічного права


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How to Cite

Черкашина, М. К. (2016). Problems of legal regulation of usage of water sources in Ukraine. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1(9), 11.

