The planning of pre-trial investigation of theft committed by groups of juveniles


  • І. О. Манжос Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого, Ukraine



theft, planning investigation of crimes, the group of minors, versions


Problem setting. The article covers the features of planning process of
criminal proceedings according to thefts, committed by the group of minors. The
author considers the given element of investigative practice as the most important
part of the preliminary investigation, on which the quality of the criminal proceedings
and its efficiency depends. The author notes that the planning on the initial phase of
the proceedings is mostly characterized by informational uncertainty, and exactly the
lack of initial data often makes an investigator be satisfied with typical version only
in the beginning of this phase.
Recent research and publications analysis. In this article the author shows
the particular recommendations on planning the investigation of thefts, committed by
the groups of minors; considers the features of its individual phases; notes that when
drawing up the initial plan of investigation, you can’t neglect the requirements of the
comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the materials, which the inquest is armed
with; the detailed elaboration of the versions; on the contrary, it is the detailed
development work on provisional plan of investigation that promotes the opportunity
of its perfection.
Paper objective. The author as well determines the basic versions, which are
included in the structure of the plan; notes that the most perfect investigation plan is
supposed to undergo the constant correction taking into consideration new
Paper main body. The article contains a conclusion that when investigating
thefts, committed by a group of minors, the correct organization of planning, welltimed
bringing up of versions allows responding to committed crime quickly and
making the most efficient use of capabilities, aimed at investigating and detection of
crime. All the introduced versions are checked by carrying out the complex of the
investigative and operational-research activities. Attempts of individual lawenforcement
agencies’ employees to investigate these crimes without any plan leads
to complications in inquiry work, doesn’t allow implementing the system and stageby-
stage approach when investigating thefts, committed by the group of minors.

Author Biography

І. О. Манжос, Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого

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How to Cite

Манжос, І. О. (2016). The planning of pre-trial investigation of theft committed by groups of juveniles. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 2(8), 23.

