Use of firearms criminal records in the investigation of crimes committed by organized groups


  • М. В. Костенко Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого, Ukraine



organized crime groups, firearms, legalization of firearms, forensic accounting, control shooting, shooting the pilot


Problem setting. The article is devoted to the criminal records of firearms. It is
important, especially when investigating serious or especially serious crimes
committed by organized criminal groups.
Relevance of the research topic. The main idea of this research is the fact that
today in the legislation of many foreign countries is enshrined permit relatively free
acquisition, possession and carrying of firearms to civilians. Firearms legislation
legalized in countries such as the USA, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, the Republic of
Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Israel,
Andorra, Turkey, Mexico, etc.
Paper objective. However, this issue remains quite controversial among the
world's scientists and experts and the public. Speak convincing arguments «for» and
«against» the legalization of firearms.
Paper main body. Given the developments in Ukraine over the past two years,
the problem of our country is more than relevant. In this context, it seems appropriate
to explore the concept of control as a way of shooting Forensic Accounting weapons.
The article is devoted to the study of the list of acts of national legislation of
Ukraine and foreign countries that regulate legal relations connected with the
phenomenon under consideration, and its practical implementation in life.
In the main part of the article discusses the concept of controlling ostrela from
a practical point of view and its significance for forensic identification of arms.
Conclusions of the research. At the end of this article are determined by the
direction of overcoming the problems of legalization of firearms by establishing
procedures for the control and experimental shooting, which are formed in the
following conclusions.
Firstly, domestic and foreign legislation establishes a procedure for the control
of the shooting as a mechanism for the identification and registration of firearms.
Their goal is to control its distribution, use, and disclosure of crimes committed with
its use.
Secondly, Ukrainian law provides for a pilot ejection procedure.
In conclusion, the above points to the need to improve and complete renovation
of the national legislation in the field of study.

Author Biography

М. В. Костенко, Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого

канд. юрид. наук, доцент кафедри криміналістики


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How to Cite

Костенко, М. В. (2016). Use of firearms criminal records in the investigation of crimes committed by organized groups. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 2(8), 21.

