Foreign experience optimal parity of various ownerships in public services


  • О. Є. Кущ Полтавський юридичний інститут Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого, Ukraine



foreign experience, property, housing and communal services, public services, reforming


The article analyzes the experience of different countries on
the use of various forms of ownership of public utilities. There are three main
analyzes models such use. The first one involves the complete privatization of life
Paper main body. The most typical representative of this model is the United
Kingdom, where the widespread view that for optimal results it is necessary to
introduce competition wherever possible develop a clear short-term contracts and
create bodies that monitor their implementation. The second model involves a
combination of municipal ownership of utilities and management by the private
sector under long-term leases and related investment transactions. This model
fuktsionuye in France, where public utilities are mostly run by the commune. A
common application is the concession of public services, under which the company
transferred the utilities sector commissioned a private firm. Finally the latest model,
which is represented in Germany, on which are joint stock companies within the
industry, where the main percentage held by the municipality.
It is noted that in the 80 years of XX century about 100 countries, including
developed capitalist, took up the privatization of communal areas. Thus, the process
of privatization of municipal services in various European countries took place in
different ways, but the result was the same: this led to significant negative
developments in this area, the victims were employees of the privatization of utilities
and public.
Conclusions of the research. Based on test material and taking into account
national circumstances, are concrete proposals on the use of positive experience in
this respect to Ukraine. First of all it concerns necessary to work out a balanced
policy funding on the Communal Economy at the appropriate level. It should be
noted that whatever the financial capacity of the state, the proper resolution of this
issue on its own but impossible. So acutely necessary for the proper functioning of
the industry, attracting private investment and, therefore, the problem of determining
the optimal ratio of different forms of ownership in relation to the housing and
communal services.
The next important issue that needs to be addressed, the issue of operation and
maintenance of housing and communal services. I should say this might not
necessarily be the owner of the property. These powers can be transferred to other
persons on the basis of appropriate agreements.
Another important aspect is the issue of proper competition services in housing
and utilities. Only relevant competition can become the economic lever that will force
providers of utility services to improve their quality and reduce prices for consumers

Author Biography

О. Є. Кущ, Полтавський юридичний інститут Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого

канд. юрид. наук, доц.


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How to Cite

Кущ, О. Є. (2016). Foreign experience optimal parity of various ownerships in public services. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 2(8), 8.



Civil law and civil procedure