Concept of technical and forensic means to ensure the combat crimes
technical and forensic software, technical and forensic tools, special equipment, instruments, tools, techniques methodsAbstract
Problem Statement: The technical Forensic ensure devoted a lot of work, and it is considered the most developed elements of the theory of forensic software detection and investigation of crime, however, until now there is no unanimity of scientists on this issue. Analysis of recent research and publications: An analysis of definitions of technical and forensic tools that are offered in various periods of the development of science of criminology and its branches "of forensic technology" gives reason to believe that the concept of "technical and forensic tools" is considered in two aspects: in the narrow and broad. The purpose of the article: The purpose of the article is to analyze the existing scientific approaches to understanding the technical and forensic tools to counter crime and offer their own definitions of the author of this category of criminalistics. The main material of the article: In our opinion, the technical and forensic tools to counter crime is not only technical devices, appliances and materials, but also the technical and forensic methods, techniques, methods for their use in combating crimes. Moreover, we believe that the separation techniques, methods, methods of application of technical devices themselves, devices and materials significantly reduces their functional purpose, adversely affects the degree of reliability of objects that have (or will have) the probative value in criminal proceedings. Considering the
technical and forensic tools, consider it appropriate to their distribution into two groups depending on the form of application: (1) the means used openly, that is, during the investigation (investigation) of action; (2) The means used to secretly (special), that is, during the undercover investigation (investigation) of action. The conclusion of this study: In our opinion, under the technical and forensic tools should be understood instruments, tools, materials, and techniques, methods, and methods for their use (vowels and secret) for the detection, control, seizure, storage, research facilities that are (to be have) the probative value or create conditions that impede a socially dangerous act, designed (adapted) forensic science and proven forensic investigative practices used on the basis of acquired knowledge and skills in accordance with the general principles and tasks of criminal proceedings, criminal justice officials with to offenses. Abstract: Considered technical and forensic tools as a structural element of technical and forensic software to offenses, invited the author's definition of the forensic category. Key words: technical and forensic software, technical and forensic tools, special equipment, instruments, tools, techniques methods.
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