The causes of medical errors in medical practice today
medical error, causes, iatrogenic, forensic medicine, expertAbstract
According to the experts from the World Health
Organization in Ukraine because of medical negligence die every day 6-7 and three
times as many patients become disabled. This year criminally liable in Ukraine
attracted only about a dozen medical professionals. Medical professionals believe that
their mistakes are to be insane, that errors in medical practice often arise because of
the complexity of the human body functioning and accountability is not a
pathological process that is not fully affect treatment.
Recent research and publications analysis. In the medical literature as a
medical error is often understood actions (inaction) doctor that are based on the
imperfection of modern medical science, objective working conditions, lack of
qualifications or failure to use available knowledge. Therefore, the issue of medical
error in the medical and legal aspects still remain debatable.
Paper objective. What are the reasons for the occurrence of medical errors at
the moment?
Paper main body. Some authors classify defects of professional medical
practice as follows:
- Intentional crimes professional health workers;
- Reckless actions (committed recklessly, negligence or arrogance);
- Medical (medical) errors: a) diagnosis; b) treatment; c) Health Organization;
d) violation of ethics and deontology;
- Accidents;
- Violations of human rights in health care.
The causes of medical errors can be objective, i.e they do not depend on the
doctor and subjective.
A special type of medical error should be considered iatrogenic - illness or
injury that is a direct result of medical intervention for a patient examination or
treatment (psychogenic illness). There are traits of iatrogenic: medical and biological
(pathogenic), medical and social, legal.
The problem of errors in the expert careers forensic expert or specialist doctor -
a serious problem forensic practice. To solve this problem developed various systems
of organization and procedures of quality control assessments. On detecting errors
indicate repeated examinations, which are constantly analyzed, submitted for
discussion during conferences, meetings forensic society, the scientific literature. The
following errors in forensic practice during the examination: tactical - as a result of
violation of the principles, methods, means and conditions of special research,
technological shortcomings and mistakes and technical defects.
Conclusions of the research. So now we can talk about a range of reasons
that contribute to the formation of medical errors, for which doctors are not
disciplinary, administrative, civil and criminal liability, so that medical error - a
coincidence or a result of imperfection of medical science and technology. It is not
the result of negligent, irresponsible attitude of the doctor to his duties, ignorance or
criminal action. such an error there is no guilt of medical employee and a
corpus delicti.
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