Crime Prevention in Latin American Countries
crime prevention, crime combating, public, public impact on crime, Latin American countriesAbstract
Contemporary science is short of the comparative criminological
researches, devoted to the study of progressive international experience in the sphere of
crime prevention. That’s why such researches are actual for both scientists and law
enforcement officials.
Paper objective. The goal of this scientific paper is to identify the main tendencies
of crime prevention in Latin America.
Paper main body. In the most Latin American countries contemporary criminality is
characterized by violent, organized, armed forms and crimes in the sphere of drug
trafficking. The most high-crime countries of Latin America are Colombia, Honduras and
Guatemala. The lowest crime rates are in Chile and Argentina.
The governments of these countries give full attention to the sphere of crime
prevention, especially to improving the work of law enforcement bodies. The share of
budget funds for implementation of social events increases year to year (elimination of
unemployment, industry development, betterment of social services, transport
infrastructure). Strategy of social impact on crime is in progress too. It involves engaging in
crime prevention programs citizens and public organizations on voluntary and free basis.
Conclusions of the research. Successful crime prevention in Latin America involves
combining of social and specially-criminological measures. Also there is a close interaction
between state and non-state subjects of crime prevention.
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