Professional crime as a manifestation of a criminal corporatism


  • В. В. Пивоваров Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого, Ukraine



corporate crime, professional crime and organized crime


In the writings of scholars of professional crime problem, its
nature, the nature of the content viewed from different perspectives. Realy, it is
proposed to consider it a separate type of crimes, or part of recidivism or organized
crime, or even a kind of crime of political elites. Thus the phenomenon of
professional criminologists crime needs attention and a thorough investigation.
Question describe professional criminal behavior such persons in criminology was
quite problematic.
Recent researches and publications analysis. Challenges professional crime
investigation at different times and in different aspects such engaged in foreign and
domestic scientists as Enrico Ferri, Gabriel de Tarde, A.I. Gurov, O.V. Shesler, A.F.
Zelinsky, I.M. Danshin, G.F. Hohriakova and other scientists – criminologists,
criminologists, sociologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and others. The writings of
scholars of professional crime problem, its nature, the nature of the content viewed
from different perspectives. Yes, it is proposed to consider it a separate species (kind
of) crimes or part of recidivism or organized crime, or even a kind of crime of
political elites. Thus the phenomenon of professional criminologists crime needs
attention and a thorough investigation.
Paper objective. The concept of a professional criminal, professional crime is
often interpreted arbitrarily. Meanwhile, the problem of stable, long-term, skilful
criminal behavior has ancient historical roots.
Paper main body. It should be noted that indeed a professional criminal
activity is permanent and sustainable. Professional criminals for a long time
repeatedly commit crimes that initially provides them a habit that then turns back to
normal behavior. Therefore, you should agree with the scientists who examined the
criminal professionalism as a kind of conscious thought-out in every detail previously
prepared social parasitism.
Of particular importance for improving the criminal qualification has
communication and interaction, during which the transfer takes place and criminal
experience. Where necessary, organized workshops, such as the manufacture of
master keys, firearms, knives, shows silent penetration of a particular object, physical
training, learning unarmed combat, possession of knives, card and other methods.
Conclusions of the research. The reason for this is enough, because the
changing socio-economic conditions of society leads to the fact that professional
criminals are loners, and more are moving into the sphere of criminal business:
committing crimes by ordering and guided, assisted and cover criminal gangs and
corrupt representatives of power structures, controlled and punished them. Not
necessarily every practical manifestation of criminal professionalism have all the
hallmarks of a criminal organization. Therefore, we believe that the phenomenon of
professional crime should be viewed through the prism of contemporary
criminological notion of "corporate crime", which successfully integrates sustainable
above listed this phenomenon. Professional crime believe structural element of
corporate crime, promising practical understanding and learning, and most
importantly - a theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of criminal corporatism.

Author Biography

В. В. Пивоваров, Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого

канд. юрид. наук, доцент кафедри кримінології та кримінально-виконавчого права


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How to Cite

Пивоваров, В. В. (2016). Professional crime as a manifestation of a criminal corporatism. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1(7), 24.

