Improvement of legal regulation of interaction Security Service of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine in emergency social situations
legislative environment, service and combat activity, law enforcement forces, social emergencies situationsAbstract
Recent crisis events in the world led to emergency social
situations. Unfortunately, Ukraine does not remain aloof from the present crisis.
Contemporary complex social and geopolitical situation led the counterterrorist
operation in southeastern Ukraine. Under these conditions, the improvement of
military service and law enforcement forces are particularly important. In order to
successfully carry out their service and combat missions necessary to perform these
entities joint action agreed in advance. The practice of counter-terrorist operation
showed the need to improve the interoperability of the Security Service of Ukraine
units and divisions of the National Guard of Ukraine, and therefore in the context of
the theory of military service and interagency interaction forces law enforcement
plays a major role.
Recent research and publications analysis. Currently, research on the
improvement of the legal basis for cooperation between the Security Service of
Ukraine and National Guard of Ukraine in emergency social situations practically not
carried out, there are several dissertations which deals with various aspects of this
activity. However, these studies do not determine the characteristics of the legal basis
for cooperation between Ukraine and the Security Service units National Guard of
Ukraine in emergency social situations. Thus, the improvement of interaction
between these departments in responding to emergency social situations is very
Paper objective. Proposals to improve the legal basis for cooperation between
the Security Service of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine in emergency
social situations.
Paper main body. First place among emergency social situations is armed
attacks, the seizure and retention of important objects of force or a real threat of such
shares. The counterterrorist operation is a form of emergency response social issues
that are caused by the presence of terrorist acts.
Departments of National Guard of Ukraine is an important component of
emergency response basis of a social nature and interaction of divisions Security
Service of Ukraine and National Guard of Ukraine is legal, organizational and tactical
Key measures to improve the legal basis for cooperation between the Security
Service of Ukraine and National Guard of Ukraine in emergencies social issues can
be divided into three groups: legal drafting principles for cooperation between the
Security Service of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine during emergency
social situations; Develop principles for cooperation between units of Security
Service of Ukraine and National Guard of Ukraine during emergency social
situations; improving tactical principles for cooperation between Ukraine and the
Security Service units National Guard of Ukraine during emergency social situations.
Conclusions of the research. Currently imperative is to develop meaningful
interagency legal acts on the organization of cooperation in different variants
emergency social situations.
Development of organizational principles of interaction of units of the Security
Service of Ukraine and National Guard of Ukraine during the emergency response is
primarily a social nature in the creation of interagency operational management based
situational centers of technical and application software decision support.
Improving tactical principles for cooperation between Ukraine and the Security
Service units National Guard of Ukraine during emergency response social character
is working out the tactics of joint actions in the performance of service and combat
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