Аctual problems of improving anti-corruption legislation of Ukraine
administrative corruption offences, prevention and combating administrative corruption offences, anti-corruption legislation of UkraineAbstract
Nowadays Ukrainian society is faced with many undetected
and hard overcomable problems, a specific place among which is held by the fact of
extent of corruption offences.
In October 2014 with the purpose of negotiation of this problem an “anticorruption
raft of legislation” was adopted by the President of Ukraine. At the same
time the legislator noticed, that the National anti-corruptive strategy for the years
2011-2015, approved by the Decree of the President No 1001, didn’t become an
effective instrument of anti-corruption policy, and the previous attempts to adjust the
mechanism of prevention and overcoming of this occurrence by means of law turned
out to be ineffective and unsuccessful. But haste of such reforming caused formation
of many uncertainties and inconsistencies at a later time. So, direct the new
legislation of Ukraine that is directed to the prevention and fight against
administrative corruption offences has at its bottom many disputable matters (points
at issue), improvement of which is urgent for appropriate and effective reforming
process initiation in our state.
Recent research and publications analysis. The works of L. A. Arkusha, L.
V. Bilinska, V. T. Bilous, G. M. Borzenkov, O. U. Busol, S. A. Butkevich, A. I.
Dolgova, D. G. Zabroda, P. A. Kabanov, A. G. Kalman, V. M. Kirichko, V. S.
Komisarov, O. M. Kostenko, V. M. Kuts, M. I. Melnik, E. V. Nevmerzhitsky,
S. S. Rogulsky, P. G. Ponomarov, E. D. Skulish, N. I. Havronyuk, N. M. Yarmysh
and other scientists are devoted to the research of the mechanism of prevention and
overcoming of corruption offences.
Paper objective. The purpose of this paper is the research of the modern anticorruption
legislation of Ukraine, definition of some disadvantages of the statutory
regulation of the mechanism of prevention and combating administrative corruption
offences and its improvement by means of introduction of amendments to the
appropriate statutory regulations.
Paper main body. The research of the content of the new anti-corruption
statutory basis gives possibility to report the existence of the whole range of
disadvantages. The final objective of every reform is in the strengthening and
renovation of state principles, the adoption of new laws must not only assist the
renewal of the mechanism of prevention and combating corruption offences, but also
contribute to the removal of the disadvantages and neglects of the previous legislative
attempts to settle this problem.
In the first part of the article 1726 of the Code of Ukraine of Administrative
Offences under the disposition of administrative corruption offence the legislator
determined the fact of the untimely submission of the Declaration about property,
revenue, expenditures, and obligations of financial character. In the same time he
disregarded the subjective part of such impact.
The problem of “getting presents” by public officers, which is a subject of
statutory regulation of every anti-corruption reform, wasn’t also forgotten by
We pay special attention to the imperfection of the procedure of financial
control, as an obligatory component of prevention of corruption offences. In this
connection we emphasize the necessity of introduction of amendments to the terms 7,
8, 9 of the part 1 of the article 46 of the Act of Ukraine “About Prevention of
Conclusions of the research. In October 2014 after the adoption of new anticorruption
laws at the beginning of realisation of Anti-corruption policy in Ukraine
(Anticorruption strategy) for years 2014-2017 a new system of combating corruption
took action in Ukraine. The characteristic feature of the new anti-corruption policy is
creating of conditions, which would make the implementation of corruption
administrative offences totally impossible. But on the present stage, the new Act of
Ukraine “About Prevention of Corruption” has an appreciable set of disadvantages;
some of them were lightened by us in this work. So, the disregard of its improvement
can lead to failure and disrupt the whole reformative process in our state as a
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