Setting activities of local state administrations: problems and ways to improve
executive power, executive agencies, local administrations, rulemaking ordersAbstract
The article deals with the question of legislative activity of
local state administrations. An analysis of existing legal acts have been installed main
drawbacks of regulatory rulemaking local administrations and the ways to address
them. The local level of the executive branch in Ukraine representing local
administrations (regional, district, Kyiv and Sevastopol City Council), the Council of
Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local authorities that are
directly subordinate to central executive bodies. The procedure of rulemaking by
executive powers regulates the general provisions of typical regional offices of
ministries and other central executive body, the Law of Ukraine "On local state
administrations", but similar to the central executive power in these regulations
andlegal acts only stipulates the right of the publication of the relevant legislation and
basic aspects of their creation.
Paper objective. The main stages of the legislative process of local state
administrations for creating orders of local state administrations are: 1) the
development project orders main developer, which may be for all local
administrations structural subdivisions of state administration and other bodies of
executive power, and for regional administrations, district administration also;
2) approval of the draft order with interested structural subdivisions of local state
administration and other bodies of executive power, which today are mainly
determined by the developer; 3) optional stage, which is in the public discussion of
public acts are defined as being non-negotiable; 4) to discuss the order in the office of
the local administration, after which the absence of comments the project passed the
head of the local administration to sign. Thus, the rule-making process of local
authorities such as local administrations as a form of local government authorities,
the legislative process is different from the general availability of additional stage -
the final order to discuss the administration head in the office administration.
Paper main body. In summary, we note that the rule-making process of local
state administrations now settled in general. That is why in this area is still a lot of
issues that are only superficially appear in a typical local regulations state
administration, being declared in the form of rules, which in fact does not solve the
issue, but only causes many problems associated with their implementation. First of
all, it concerns the issue in terms of the legislative process in general and the
legislative process of local authorities in particular. To resolve this problem prompted
most specifically regulate the terms of the legislative process of the executive power
in Ukraine in all its stages, depending on the type of legal act to be adopted. Setting
deadlines creation of legal acts of executive power terms is to simplify and improve
the activities of executive planning rulemaking and appropriate implementation of the
planned activities; hinder and delay in the implementation of deceleration executive
bodies of legislative activity and in accordance facilitate timely and prompt
regulation of social relations and, consequently, rights, freedoms and legitimate
interests of individuals and legal entities.
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