Priority areas for the effective functioning of the public service in Ukraine
public service, staffing, passage of public service, management standardsAbstract
The article examines the priority areas to ensure the efficiency of the public
service in Ukraine.
One of the crucial problems of improving the state-government institutions is
to develop effective human resources, creating a perfect mechanism for the civil
Analysis publications, the views of representatives of public authorities to
study the problem of the legal framework on public service show that this issue is
often discussed and considered in political circles, public authorities at various
forums. The government is trying to take into account existing scientific observations
lawyers, politicians on the public service. The permanent discussion in society and
the competent authorities to pass the revised legislation in this area.
Without the proper implementation of laws and their implementation all our
legislative activity will have no meaning. Irresponsible lawmaking as failure, not of
laws in life create extremely dangerous situation for the functioning of the state,
society, each individual citizen. Preparation deliberately imperfect laws nothing but
unnecessary costs of public funds not only money, if not otherwise. This provides the
basis for distrust of the law in general, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which takes such
laws, professional parliamentarians to the whole legislative system.
By the end remain unresolved problem of increasing the prestige of the civil
service, civil servants to reduce dependence on the political situation in the country,
ordering system management (recruitment procedure, competitions, evaluating the
quality of employees, career planning, etc.) to overcome the lack of professionalism
and legal culture officials failings of training. Also seems important to state, every
state agency, its structural unit should have a clear idea of the size of some experts in
term of development to prepare them for certain professions.
Only recently a gradual shift obtained the relationship between the public
service and local government, introduction of new technologies of personnel
management in the public service. However, the most important issues only declared
in the policy documents and remain.
From our point of view, in the reform of the legal framework of public service
must use a systematic approach, consider public service as a tool for effective
management activities. This causes the main objectives of public service in the
country, including the basic principles is to achieve stability and integrity, ensuring
the effectiveness of government agencies, further democratization ways of formation
and activities of government, the creation of social, legal and other conditions
necessary for effective service.
Improving the functioning of the legal principles of public service requires a
clear legal definition of the fundamental provisions of the Civil Service, its place in
the system of governance, mechanisms unification of certain positions given the
content of the employee and its impact on the final decision of official responsibility,
procedure and conditions for the transfer of civil servants one state agency to another,
and to strengthen the social security of civil servants, including in the event of
dismissal of reasons beyond their control.
Given the common task to perform public service, we believe that current
reform priorities and improve its legal framework should be:
1. Introduction of effective mechanisms, standards and procedures for
personnel management in the public service.
2. One aspect of improving civil service associated with the introduction of an
effective mechanism, standards and procedures for personnel management is the
development of the senior civil service.
3. Introducing competitive selection exclusively for civil service positions in
all categories.
4. Increasing the capacity of the civil service.
5. Quite closely to the problems of improving public service related to issues of
conflict of interests and transparency of income and expenditure of public servants.
6. It makes sense in our opinion is the conversion of units to work with staff in
state-government agencies to "service personnel".
7. Equally important is the introduction of objective criteria for assessing the
public sector.
8. Another important dimension of public service should be the introduction of
software and analytical approach to staff development, including career planning and
creation of personnel reserve.
An important area of public service in Ukraine has also become construction of
an effective system of training of civil servants.
The solution to the above organizational problems of the civil service
deficiencies regarding the content and completeness of legal regulation will create not
only effective system of civil servants working in the country, but also to the next
level of government in general.
Про державну службу : Закон України від 17.11.2011 р. № 4050-VI // Відом. Верхов. Ради України. – 2012. – № 26. – Ст. 273.
Про внесення змін до Закону України «Про державну службу» : Закон України від 25.12.2014 р. № 62-VIII // Офіц. вісн. України. – 2015. – № 3. – Ст. 44.
Заключний документ міжнародної конференції «Стратегія адміністративної реформи: рекомендації SIGMA Урядові України» [Електронний ресурс] / Центр адаптації державної служби до стандартів Європейського Союзу : веб-сайт. – Режим доступу :
Про схвалення Концепції формування та розвитку вищого корпусу державної служби : розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України від 17.11.2010 р. № 2113-р // Офіц. вісн. України. – 2010. – № 89. – Ст. 3158.
Про затвердження Положення про формування кадрового резерву для державної служби : постанова Кабінету Міністрів України від 28.02.2001 р. № 199 // Офіц. вісн. України. – 2001. – № 9. – Ст. 367.
Про затвердження Положення про систему підготовки, перепідготовки та підвищення кваліфікації державних службовців і посадових осіб місцевого самоврядування : постанова Кабінету Міністрів України від 07.07.2010 р. № 564 // Офіц. вісн. України. – 2010. – № 51. – Ст. 1701.
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