On the issue the authority of local state administrations in the sphere of land relations
land, land relations, local administrations, authoritiesAbstract
The article studies the issue of land values as the main object of
nature, the immensity of its properties to meet material, spiritual, recreational, health,
aesthetic and other needs and the need for detailed regulation of the disposal of its
existing legal acts.
Paper objective. The environmental aspect of solving this problem is seen in the
scientific substantiation of separation of powers of local administrations and other public
authorities, local governments in land relations, given the proper provision throughout
the state environmental safety, play ground in its close connection with natural
environment, Environmental Protection to implement the public interest and maintaining
sustainable economic development, environmental balance in the country and its
individual regions.
Paper main body. The complexity of the problem is that lawyers no single
approach to understanding the meaning of state ownership of land, the concept of public
administration in the sphere of land relations, the essence of the respective relations
arising from the participation of local administrations, local authorities in solving land
issues as part of ecological relations.
The theoretical foundation that was laid by the Soviet legal doctrine, prepared the
necessary conditions for the perception of modern domestic legal theory understanding
of the objectives and tasks of the Ukrainian state on environmental management, public
performance are achieved and other bodies of a number of functions, ie activities
necessary for the optimal organization of rational use and protection of natural objects or
the environment as a whole.
The appearance, in addition to state and other subjects of ownership of certain
natural resources not reduce, but instead raises to a new level role and importance of the
state and its organs as organizers and guarantors relations nature.
Scientists engaged in research on the legal regulation of environmental,
agricultural and land relations in Ukraine, conclude that in modern conditions of land
reform, changes in the nature of public administration and improvement of its principles,
such management should be considered based on the law of executive and
administrative activities authorized bodies to ensure effective and efficient use of lands
and their protection
Conclusions. Emphasized the special legal status of local state administrations is
to combine the powers of the authority of general and special jurisdiction. A local
authority under state administration in the sphere of land relations understand entrusted
to it by the State and enshrined in law the obligation to exposure to certain social
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