Peculiarities of the territorial organization of public authority in the city with special status
public authority, the special status of cities, the territorial organization of public authorityAbstract
The paper analyzes the characteristics of the territorial organization of power in cities with special status. Attention is paid not only to the territorial features which receives territory in the case giving it a special status, as well as organizational and systemic-structural limitations of the public authorities, which are formed in these areas. Highlighted the specificity of functioning of public authorities in the capital of the state whose territory is, as a rule, has a special status. At the same time considered the competence of the authorities in Ukraine, due to the possibility of influence on determining the appropriate status of the territory, and in particular the city. The analysis of the relevant preferences which acquires territory and controls territory in connection with the provision of special status. Among them are named material financial, organizational, of competency , fiscal and other opportunities. In order to acquire and improve the domestic experience of urban development with special status analysis of the European experience of the functioning of cities and territories of European legislation on these issues. Identifies the main trends in the functioning of cities with special status in Europe, the criteria that are taken into account in decision-making. In an aspect of the functioning of the national experience of cities with special status clarified specifics of these cities territorial divisions of central executive
bodies. Are the features of the interaction of independent subsystems government – local self-government and the government, the limits of their intersection. Conclusions about the need to improve certain legal provisions. In particular, it is proposed to extend the terms of reference and interoperability community organizations with the regional offices of central executive bodies; order interaction citywide issues of local government with executive authorities. Proposed options to improve the territorial organization of public authorities in the cities with special status in Ukraine.
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