Using the media in during the detection crimes in the sphere of public procurement
public procurement, media, crime, operational units, internal affairs agenciesAbstract
Nowadays, the issue of information provision of the detection
crimes in the sphere of public procurement is very relevant to the operational units MIA
of Ukraine. After all, for efficient operational support public procurement operational
staff must not only have some knowledge inherent in this area, and have the appropriate
source of its receipt.
Recent research and publications analysis. The issues of information provision
of activity of the law enforcement agencies are studied by T. Budko, V. Vasylynchuk,
I. Voronov, V. Gorbatchevski, V. Grokhol'skiy, Y. Dubko, V. Zakharov, A. Kisliy,
A. Lysenko, A. Movchan, V. Nekrasov, V. Ortynsky, M. Sahakyan, A. Sniherov,
V. Tarasenko, P. Halilyev, O. Yurchenko, A. Yuhno etc.
However, none of the authors did not pay sufficient attention to the use of the
media during the detection of crimes in the sphere of public procurement bodies by law
enforcement agencies.
The object of the article. The purpose of the article is an analysis of media
publications in the Internet about the possible use of the operational units of internal
affairs agencies of Ukraine concerning detection of crime in public procurement.
Article main body. With the adoption of the new Criminal Procedure Code of
Ukraine the possibility of obtaining information about crimes and other offenses which
committed in the sphere of public procurement was significantly reduced.
Therefore, one of the important factors for ensuring quality of operational support
the processes of public procurement is an access to the resources of a global network of
Internet. Because of the number of information and level of its updating Internet is
characterized as a perspective source of information.
Operational units of MIA of Ukraine are carrying out analysis of the media on the
Internet, besides information about misapplication in the sphere of public procurement
are able to get an access to information about the methods of committing such
misapplications, and in some cases, the methods of detection. This information will
enable the operatives to plan measures aimed at identifying and documenting criminal
action in this area.
Conclusions of the research. Given the above, we can conclude that the media in
the Internet is characterized as a perspective source of information during detection
crimes in the sphere of public procurement.
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