Оrganizational-legal providing of preservation of agricultural lands
preservation of earth, legal safeguard of earth, agricultural lands, legal providing of fertility-improving of soilsAbstract
Problem setting. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of qualitative and quantitative status of agricultural land may be concluded that the current system in our country the legal protection of agricultural lands, subject to adverse natural and anthropogenic factors does not ensure rational use, preservation and improvement of fertility of land. Under these conditions, the implementation of measures degraded, unproductive and technologically contaminated land is extremely important area of improving soil fertility. This is also reflected in the disappointing statistics dynamics of quantitative and qualitative state of farmland. Recent research and publications analysis. It should be noted that this problem is reflected in the writings of many scientists. In particular, M. Volyk, S. Golub, V. Krayeva, L. Nechyporuk, V. Ovdiyenko, T. Suhorebroyi, P. Tihiy, A. Tomina. Paper objective. According to the specialists, land conservation is one of the cheapest, without requiring significant capital expenditure, measures to improve soil fertility. Given the current recessionary state of agriculture and the understanding that in the near future allocation of sufficient funds from the state budget for the improvement of soil fertility is not expected, the organizational and legal event becomes even more important.
Paper main body. For effective implementation of conservation measures necessary to the fulfillment of certain conditions. Thus, according to experts, in clarifying the possibilities of conservation lands play an important factors such as information and financial support for appropriate action. Basis of information support up land inventory, land registry, land monitoring. Information support allows you to create a database of kulturtehnichny state land quality indicators of soil fertility and the dynamics of their changes. Such information facilitates the timely detection of degraded, contaminated or unproductive lands and the implementation of these measures on their lands conservation. Financial support for land conservation up budgets at various levels, in accordance with national and local programs targeted protection and use of land and resources most landowners and land users. Thus based on the content of art. 67 Law of Ukraine "On Land Management" as a general rule, funding for conservation lands are privately owned - at the expense of owners of land on state land - at the expense of the State Budget of Ukraine on communal lands - due local budgets. Although there are some exceptions. In particular, according to Art. 205 of the Land Code of Ukraine, citizens and legal entities to carry out work to restore the previous state lands affected not their fault, is allocated from the state or local budget. The procedure for using these funds are currently governed by a joint order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of 27 February 2002 р. № 58/136 «On approval of the use of the State Budget of Ukraine to pay for work on the radical improvement of the land." An important condition for the functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism for land conservation is its regulatory and legal framework, which includes the development and implementation of the requirements of legal acts and the relevant land documents governing the use and protection of land and indirectly increase soil fertility, land conservation rationale, development conservation projects, project implementation, funding proposals for further legal status canned plots and more.
Conclusions of the research. The current legislation on conservation land has many gaps. Meanwhile, it is clear that there is an urgent need to improve legislation this direction. Viewers subject to a number of legal acts containing provisions on land conservation, in particular, such as the Law of Ukraine "On Land Protection" Order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine of 26 April 2013 р. № 283 "On approval of land conservation"/
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