Legal aspects of determination of criteria classification of urban settlements
urban settlements, the classification criteria, the legal status of settlements, the classification of urban settlementsAbstract
Legislative inconsistency and a number of legislative issues
not regulated by administrative-territorial structure of the state do a lot of problems
and obstacles to economic and social development of the respective cities, territories,
regions, regions. The decision of criteria for the classification of settlements has
become increasingly a priority. At the legislative level specified mountainous, resort
and historical localities, that occupy a special place among others. The lack of
uniform approach in matters of establishing and changing the constitutional and legal
status of individual administrative units leads to problems of territorial authorities in
urban settlements.
Recent research and publication analysis. The general questions of
classification of settlements and their contribution to administrative-territorial units or
proper categories made the article of research of such scientists, as: Kuybida V.S.,
Lazor O.D., Shkabaro V.M., Bodrova I.I., Teleshun S. and other. At the same time
complex research problems of definition criteria of classification of city settlements
to the certain category of administrative-territorial structure remained virtually
unnoticed by scholars and constitutionalists.
Paper objective. The problems of modern urban settlements not investigated
in the current legislation is almost not reflected specificity of their legal status, there
is not enough clear criteria of classification, not specified jurisdiction, powers and
responsibilities between local public authorities and organs of local self-government
in the governments regulation of relations on urban points. Today in Ukraine a large
number of settlements is connected to the cities of Republican (in the Autonomous
Republic of Crimea) and of regional importance with the preservation them as
separate administrative units ("City Council").
Existing criteria for classification of categories of cities of district, regional,
republican value by population does not meet modern requirements. For the intensive
development of urban settlements is necessary to consider specific regional
characteristics each of them.
Conclusions of the research. Precise legislative consolidation of legal status
of administrative territorial units (especially urban settlements) contributes to the
removal of many legal disputes. The establishment of basic criteria for determining
settlements in rural and urban will meet the requirements of the current Constitution
of Ukraine.
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