Current status of national industrial areas and legislative industrial policy
industry, industrial policy, law of influence on economic activity, modernization of the economy, restructuring the industryAbstract
Problem. The current system of industrial policy does not provide the possibility to save an existing industrial capacity and its scientific and technological base, make structural changes consciously protect and support domestic producers. Analysis of recent publications and sources. The development of industrial policy developed in some areas of public life and were on the agenda lawyers executives such as D. V. Zadyhaylo, V. K. Mamutov, V. M. Pashkov, A. P. Podtserkovnyy, V. A. Volodya, V. S. Shcherbina more. However, scientists do not specify enough attention paid generalization of industrial policy and its impact on the economy as a whole. Formulation purposes. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the current state and trends of the industry of Ukraine and industrial policy in general. The main material. Thus the basis for strategic policy, its basic principle should be the implementation of public policies aimed at introducing innovative model of structural adjustment and economic growth, strengthening of Ukraine as a high-tech state. The main objective of macroeconomic policy strategy – ensuring the conditions for sustainable long-term growth, which supports innovative structural and social reorientation of the economy, creating a favorable investment environment. This requires maintaining the principle of priority of macroeconomic stabilization. We must take into account the feedback – the dependence of the macroeconomic balance efficiency policy of economic growth. The experience of the previous decade shows that robust fiscal and monetary stabilization without stable real economy is not possible, it may be only short-term. Conclusions. Obviously, to emerge from the crisis in the domestic industry must take effective macroeconomic controls that would entail certain preferences to domestic producers, implement measures to improve the structure of the resource potential of the industry, primarily concerned innovative component, including appropriate legal support that should be sufficient to meet the objectives of the competitiveness of industrial enterprises and their products.
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