Subjective factors of Ukraine’s legal framework formation
factors, mentality, legal awareness, legal culture, legal framework, marginalityAbstract
Problem setting. The issue of classifying factors influencing the legal frame work formation is one of key problems while analyzing the origin, development and functioning of law. Recent research and publications analysis. A wide range of philosophers’, sociologists’ and lawyers’ writings are dedicated to the issue of their classification. Paper objective. Classification of factors requires new «perspective», necessity of which is predetermined by the present-day developments within the sphere of social sciences’ methodology; theory of state and law; state-building practices and enforcement of citizens’ rights, implementation of norms of the European and international law into national legislation etc. Paper main body. The factors are subject to change depending on tasks of the statutory regulation. Alongside this they are closely interrelated, they form an integral system, having single source – man and his rights. Currently the main subjective, national (intrastate) factors include: mentality of general public, level of legal culture, legal consciousness, having significant influence on the legal framework formation in Ukraine. Conclusions of the research. Mentality of general public (of the nation) is formed for centuries with in certain social culture, urging a person to reproduction of
customary unshakable order, principles and feelings. Traditions, customs complex, courses of action and convictions gave rise to moral, laws, political and legal institutions. Formation of political mentality of Ukraine’s general public depended upon natural and social contingentcies and was maintained due to dynamic relations with the outside world, consisting in accepting foreign social elements. Mentality gives rise to legal consciousness, which may not remain unchanged, and, subsequently, the notion on what is right and what is wrong, which interests deserve preemptive statutory protection, constantly changes. The law, constituting the part of the culture of society, relies immediately upon the legal culture, while the legal frame work is oriented at the basics of qualitative society status, as well as level of its cultural development. The Ukraine’s body of legislative power shall more than on its half consist of professional lawyers; only than the creation of legislation will be professionally elective with due consideration of once own needs and capabilities. This will reduce the time spent for searching of optimal solutions.
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