Implementation of the Right to Privacy in the Context of the Restrictive Impact of Modern Information Technologies


  • Oleg Danilyan Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine
  • Оleхander Dzоban Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine
  • Felipe Lasnibat University of Playa Ancha, Chile



right to privacy, identity, self-identity, personal space, information space, cyberspace


The relevance of the topic is due to the multidimensionality, relativity, conceptual multiplicity and social and practical significance of the problem of ensuring the human right to privacy in the context of modern social reality. The purpose of the article is to examine the phenomenon of privacy and the socio-cultural conditions for the realisation of the human right to it from a philosophical perspective. Methods used: the dialectical method (for comprehensive knowledge of the nature and genesis of the right to privacy), systemic and structural-functional approaches (for studying the contradictory information impact on a person of complex technical systems), analytical and synthetic method, as well as methods of comparison and analogy (for comparing practical models of the impact of the latest information technologies on the ways of ensuring the human right to privacy). The authors show that the modern socio-cultural reality demonstrates the dichotomy of what is proper and what is in solving the problem of security of the private status of an individual and the human right to privacy. The loss of privacy, which is a trend in modern social life, indicates the ever-increasing risks of alienation of privacy in social reality. The author emphasises that modern technologies can completely violate the human right to privacy, penetrate special places and certain aspects of private life and change the locus of privacy. It is substantiated that modern information and digital technologies, having an ambivalent impact on the freedom and security of personal existence, radically narrow the boundaries of the right to privacy, thereby problematising the structures of human self-identity and generating insecurity of personal life, and the prospects for research in this area are emphasised.


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How to Cite

Danilyan, O., Dzоban О., & Lasnibat, F. (2025). Implementation of the Right to Privacy in the Context of the Restrictive Impact of Modern Information Technologies. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 2((26), 279–298. (26).319807


