Some Issues of Determining Subject Matter Jurisdiction: the Experience of Ukraine and Germany


  • Anatolii Getman Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine
  • Mykola Kucheryavenko
  • Joerg Pudelka



delimitation of judicial jurisdiction, administrative jurisdiction, legal fact, access to justice


The article examines the issues of delimitation of judicial jurisdictions in the categories of cases arising out of the challenges posed by martial law in Ukraine. The relevance of the study is stipulated by the growing controversy over the issues of delimitation of judicial jurisdictions in the categories of disputes which concern socially vulnerable groups of the population and are becoming more and more widespread. The purpose of the article is to study the issues of delimitation of judicial jurisdictions based on a comparative legal analysis of legislation and case law of Ukraine and Germany. In order to achieve this goal and solve the tasks stipulated by it, the following scientific methods were used: systematic, formal legal, comparative legal, analysis and synthesis, generalisation and critical analysis. The author examines domestic and German procedural legislation which defines the rules for delimitation of subject matter jurisdiction. The author highlights the issues of resolving cases related to establishing the fact of cohabitation of a woman and a man in the same family without marriage, which is necessary for further exercise of the person's right to receive a one-time financial assistance. The author examines the conditions and possibilities for a court to go beyond the established subject matter jurisdiction with a view to ensuring proper protection of a person's right in Germany.  The author proves that it is impossible to apply such an approach in Ukraine without appropriate amendments to the existing procedural acts. On this basis, the author critically analyses the case law of the Supreme Court and draws relevant conclusions.


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How to Cite

Getman, A., Kucheryavenko, M., & Pudelka, J. (2024). Some Issues of Determining Subject Matter Jurisdiction: the Experience of Ukraine and Germany. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1((25), 35–57.


