Problematic Issues of Competition in the Outdoor Advertising Market
outdoor advertising, economic competition, unfair competition, market regulation, egal regulation of outdoor advertisingAbstract
The article analyzes problematic issues related to competition and the legal regulation of the outdoor advertising market. This form of advertising remains effective in promoting goods and services, despite the rapid development of new technologies and the widespread popularity of the Internet. Outdoor advertising is one of the most heavily regulated types of advertising, with the current laws outlining several requirements and the necessity of obtaining a placement permit. However, the legislation governing the placement of outdoor advertising is not perfect. Some issues are controversial, and others are not addressed by the legislation at all. Since many matters concerning outdoor advertising placement are left to the discretion of local self-government bodies, there is a risk of creating additional barriers to market entry and negatively impacting competition in the market. Therefore, there is a need to analyze the problematic issues in the outdoor advertising market and find solutions. Based on the conducted research, the author proposes amendments to the current legislation to enhance competition in the placement of outdoor advertising.
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