European Standards and Foreign Experience of Functioning of the Electronic Administrative Procedure System
electronic court, electronic administrative justice, information and telecommunication technologies, foreign experience, European standardsAbstract
One of the key aspects of the development of electronic administrative proceedings in Ukraine is its compliance with European standards, which define important principles, methods and recommendations aimed at ensuring the efficiency, accessibility and quality of judicial activity in the digital environment. That is why the purpose of this article is to analyze European standards and foreign experience in the field of electronic administrative proceedings and the possibility of their implementation into national legislation. Conducting this research is extremely important and relevant, as it will help to adapt the Ukrainian judicial system to international standards and norms. The research methodology was formed by a combination of general scientific and special methods, such as dialectic, comparative-legal, systemic-structural, formal-logical, and other methods. First of all, the article analyzes in detail the European standards for the functioning of electronic justice and the possibility of their implementation in national legislation. It was concluded that significant attention should be paid to the protection of personal data, confidentiality, information security, as well as ensuring access to justice, impartiality, independence of judges and justice. The article also analyzes the experience of introducing information and telecommunication technologies into the administrative justice system of the most progressive countries of the European Union, such as Estonia, Lithuania and Austria, as well as such advanced countries as Korea and China. It is noted that in these states electronic justice has become an important component of justice, and therefore the key aspects of their experience that can be useful for Ukraine are highlighted. A comparative analysis of the foreign experience of the functioning of electronic justice with the Ukrainian one was made and the key aspects that slow down this development were identified. Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that the involvement of best practices and best practices from other countries can greatly contribute to the successful implementation of electronic administrative proceedings in Ukraine. However, it is important to consider the unique context, capabilities and needs of the national judicial system.
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