Entities of international-legal provision of traffic safety
traffic safety, transport operation, international legal documents, UN, WHO, entity, road traffic offensesAbstract
The article attempts to study the system of entities involved in the formation of the international-legal framework in the field of strengthening the traffic safety. In general, the relevance of the studied issues is outlined. Circumstances that indicate the need for an urgent solution to this acute social problem, which leads to the death and injury of millions of people every year in many countries were determined. The methodology of knowledge of participants of the international-legal maintenance of traffic safety and transport operation which includes a number of interrelated scientific parameters is offered. These are: the essential features of such subjects; their concepts; types; features of activity. The essential features of the considered subjects include: their legal status; form of activity; aim of activity. The separate criteria on which it is possible to carry out grouping of subjects in the considered sphere are specified. The position is defended that the most optimal basis for subjects classification of the international legal-provision of road traffic is their specialization. The basic subjects (specialized) and secondary subjects (non-specialized) in the specified sphere are distinguished. Particular attention is paid to specialized entities with international status: the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Bank and others. The multidirectional work of the UN as the main international institution, which is involved in the development and adoption of relevant international legal documents in the field under study, is analyzed in detail. The directions of activity of non-specialized entities, that participate in drawing the attention of the world community to the international legal regulation of certain aspects of road transport safety are identified
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