Transnational organized crime as a modern phenomenon: definitions and main features


  • Olena Tkachova Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine



transnational organized crime , terrorist organizations , methods , IT sphere , latest technologies


The article analyzes the current situation in the world from the standpoint of the spread of such a negative phenomenon as transnational organized crime. It has been proven that by reducing the time of entry into another country, and in EU countries also by eliminating the need for customs control, it is easier for criminals not only to quickly and unhindered to get, so to speak, to another part of the hemisphere, but also to move, hide or hide goods, weapons, etc. In addition, a powerful impetus to criminal activity was given by globalization, the development of modern technologies, in particular, methods, techniques, programs used in modern banking, facilitated the implementation of international criminal agreements, and the electronics revolution gave criminals, including criminal organizations, access to new means and methods of obtaining funds.It is substantiated that transnational organized crime is one of the highest levels of criminal evolution, a qualitatively new form of crime organization, their antisocial, illegal activities go beyond the territory and jurisdiction of one state, and the subjects are sustainable criminal organizations, whose activities and spheres of influence applies not to one but to several countries, neighboring states, regions, etc. They operate in different regions of the world, have a certain specialization, use various methods, techniques (blackmail, intimidation, corruption schemes), and are united by a common goal - to obtain a very high (maximum) profit while ensuring minimal risk.

Author Biography

Olena Tkachova, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminology and Penal Law


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How to Cite

Tkachova, O. (2022). Transnational organized crime as a modern phenomenon: definitions and main features. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1(19), 78–87.

