Study the criminality of the Ukraine state system development according to the system technologystages


  • Valeriy Obolentsev Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine



system of the state of Ukraine , stages of systems development , system approach


The state of Ukraine is a system object. Therefore, there are grounds to study it using the methods of system technique (system analysis and modeling).

The question of determining the development stage of system of the state of Ukraine is of crucial significance. In theory, there are five main stages: origin, formation, maturity, crisis, transformation.

  1. The stage of occurrence of the need-request of a larger metasystem in respect of the new system functions.
  2. The stage of the system formation up to the required (calculated) state.
  3. Stage of design system operation with a quality level not less than planned one. During this period, due to aging or wear of the system elements and changes in the needs of the external environment, the system experiences a critical situation and the question arises: «What’s next?»
  4. The stage of state change in the system. At the fourth stage, there are three options for changing the system state.

Option one. The system is forced to bend to circumstances and follow the path of regress aging and losing its qualities and inevitably approaching the moment of its death.

Option two. Upon availability of the necessary resources, attempts of the system to maintain itself in the state in which its primary target operation is still possible.

Option three. Transformation to another quality (if there is a decision of the management system in this regard and upon availability of the necessary resources), to a higher level due to changes in the state, properties of elements, structure and functions in order to achieve new functions.

  1. Stage at which either a new system existence phase, that meets the needs of the metasystem, takes place or a new stage of the life cycle of a new (other) system, that appears as a result of the disposal of the old one, begins.

Accordingly, the systems are divided into those that are at the stage of origin, those that are at the stage of formation, those that are at the stage of maturity, those that are at the stage of crisis, and those that are at the stage of transformation.

In our opinion, the indicators of social, economic and political development of the country confirm the existence of the crisis as a stage of the system development of the state of Ukraine with prospects for the situation development according to the scenarios of the fourth or fifth stages.

Earlier we have considered crime as a separate system object. According to this approach, crime prevention should be understood as measures aimed at neutralizing the resources of this system, managing circumstances, performers, relations with the external environment and its inverse relations.

According to another approach, we have considered crime as a problem of a system object of the state of Ukraine. In this case, crime prevention should be understood as protection of existing social relations from illegal (criminal) changes in the elements state and avoidance of damage to lawful social relations by crimes.


Author Biography

Valeriy Obolentsev, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminology and Criminal Executive Law


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How to Cite

Obolentsev, V. (2022). Study the criminality of the Ukraine state system development according to the system technologystages. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1(19), 64–77.

