The notion of the prisoners’ rights protection
the prisoner’s rights , the prisoner’s rights protection , safeguarding the prisoner’s rights , mechanisms for protecting of the prisoner’s rights , system for protecting the prisoner’s rightsAbstract
The article is devoted to a discussion of the notion of the prisoners’ rights protection. The author proceeds from the fact that the prisoners’ rights protection is a specific activity with a multidimensional impact on penal enforcement relations. The article addresses several points which together make it possible to formulate the notion of the prisoners’ rights protection. The author considers that the prisoners’ rights are of positive value (desirable value) and include not only status rights, but also other prisoner’s rights which, given their special status, have a special or complicated procedure. Moreover, fundamental to the understanding of the content of the prisoners’ rights protection is the assumption that the prisoners’ rights protection are a humanitarian value, as they contribute to the development of legal awareness and an understanding of the value of the law as a tool for protection. The researcher suggests that the prisoners should be regarded as a representative of the so-called vulnerable categories, as this situation highlights the limited status of the prisoners and the reduced arsenal of means of his defence. Such an approach also has a preventive purpose, since the legal and social status of the prisoners should lose its romance and attractiveness.
The paper argues that protection requires clear algorithms and implementation mechanisms, which need to be provided by a guarantee system and integrated into a single interconnected system.
In the conclusions, the researcher gives an author’s definition of the concept of the prisoners’ rights protection, which includes attributes of this institution.
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