Civil procedural legal personality of minors and juveniles as participants in a civil case
legal personality, civil procedural legal personality, civil procedural legal capacity, civil procedural legal status, precondition for acquiring civil procedural legal statusAbstract
The scientific article defines the legal nature and content of civil procedural legal personality of minors and juveniles involved in the case, as a prerequisite for acquiring their civil procedural status.
It is determined that the obligatory precondition for the emergence of civil procedural status of a minor is a civil procedural legal personality as a set of civil procedural legal capacity and civil procedural capacity.
It is substantiated that all minors and juveniles have general civil procedural legal capacity and can acquire without any restrictions in civil proceedings the relevant procedural status of a party, third party, applicant, interested person. As for special civil procedural legal capacity (ability to have civil procedural rights and obligations of bodies and persons authorized by law to protect the rights, freedoms and interests of others; representatives of parties, third parties, bodies and persons authorized by law to protect rights) , freedoms and interests of other persons, applicants and other interested persons, other participants in civil proceedings), such legal capacity of minors and juveniles in civil proceedings can not acquire, because it occurs only if the conditions specified in the law.
It is proved that the civil procedural capacity of minors and juveniles, according to the amount of abilities that form it, is divided into: full civil procedural capacity, which is the ability to personally exercise all civil procedural rights and perform all civil procedural duties in court, and which is granted only to minors in the presence of the conditions specified in the law, and incomplete civil procedural capacity, which is the ability to personally exercise civil procedural rights under Part 1 of Art. 45 CРC of Ukraine, and which is given to all minors and juveniles as participants in civil casesReferences
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