Introduction of the category "administrative (public) sequester" into the private law system of Ukraine
storage contract, sequestration, enforcement proceedings, temporary storage, securing the claim, seizure of property, public sequestrationAbstract
The article is devoted to the issue of legal regulation of relations for the storage of things that are the subject of dispute or removed from the possession of the owner against their will on the basis of public law regulations (sequestration). The subject of the study is the legal relationship to ensure the safety of property that arises between custodians and bodies / departments of public institutions that by law have the authority to remove such property from the owner, as well as between the latter and owners / future owners of the property. The author draws attention to the similarity of certain characteristics of such relations of such relations with the construction of judicial sequestration. Namely: the thing has a certain encumbrance and due to the provisions of the law (in a broad sense) can not be left in the possession of the owner; the decision on its seizure and transfer for storage is made by a person not interested in its further fate; such a person is endowed with the appropriate authority and acts as a representative of the state or local community (parking inspectors). While the further fate of such a thing is unknown (return to the owner, transfer to a new (determined by the court) owner, sale by public auction, confiscation, destruction, etc.), it is necessary to ensure its safety to ensure the rights and interests of the future owner. The main feature of such legal relations is the lack of free will of the owner of the thing for its transfer for storage, and accordingly the lack of contractual relations between him and the custodian (unlike the contractual sequestration). In view of this, the author concludes that it is appropriate to extend to such relations the regulation of the relevant provisions of civil law. It is proposed to use the following classification of sequestration relations in the system of private law: contractual sequestration, judicial sequestration, administrative (public) sequestrationReferences
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