Directions and objectives of investment policy of Ukraine in the context of nationally oriented economy
investment policy, investment market, investment potential, mechanism of investment policy formationAbstract
At the present time, the main issue of busines regulation of the state’s influence on economic relations is remains relevant, taking into account the market vector of the economy chosen by the Ukrainian people. Today, there is still no sufficient reason to assert that the optimal forms of legal economic order mentioned in Art. 5 of the Commercial Code of Ukraine. As stated in this norm, the legal economic oder is the optimal combination of market self-regulation of economic relations of business entities and state regulation of macroeconomic processes.
That is why the commercial code contains an independent chapter dedicated to certain areas and forms of participation of the state and local self-government in the sphere of economic activity, and the existence of the norms of Articles 9 and 10 is an important asset in this area.
The legal economic oder is the result of the introduction of state economic policy. One of the most important directions of which, of course, is the investment policy of the state, which is designed to provide a dynamic process of expansion and reproduction of economic activity.
Every state in the world is obliged to pursue and implement rational economic policy. This phenomenon is considered difficult, as it consists of a considerable number of interconnected and integral elements. One component of economic policy is the investment policy of the state.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Important theorological and methodological problems of ensuring the investment policy of the state, research of the investment market, mechanisms of formation of investment policy, including in certain sectors of the national economy occupy a significant place in the work of scientists-owners, namely: D.V. Zadikhailo, V.V. Kudryavtseva, V.I. Kukhar, V.K. Mamutov, O.P. Podtserkovny, V.A. Ustymenko, V.S. Shcherbina, etc. However, these scientists examining these issues paid insufficient attention to such concepts as the essence, objectives and modern directions of investment policy of the state, as well as did not analyze certain objects of state investment policy on their regulatory impact on investment activities and the economy of Ukraine as a whole.
Purpose and objectives: the purpose of this article is to explore and identify promising directions of investment policy of Ukraine, to formulate the tasks of state regulation of investment activityReferences
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Stan zdiisnennia derzhavnoho pryvatnoho partnerstva v Ukraini: Departament investytsii ta innovatsii Ministerstva rozvytku ekonomiky, torhivli ta silskoho hospodarstva Ukrainy. URL: [in Ukrainian]
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