Click-wrap license agreement as a type of wrap license agreement
wrap license agreements, click-wrap license agreements, license agreements with a simplified conclusion procedure, electronic license agreements, electronic contracts, click-wrap licensesAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of click-wrap license agreements as a type of wrap license agreements and to the elucidation of the offer and acceptance features in such agreements. The author analyzes the evolution of wrap license agreements in the context of the click-wrap license agreements formation. Careful attention is given to the research of foreign judicial practice concerning a range of issues related to the validity of click-wrap license agreements, the procedure for their conclusion. At the same time, the provisions of national legislation on the outlined topics, as well as a number of scientific works of domestic and foreign legal scholars were studied. It was found that click-wrap license agreements are a special contractual structure with a simplified conclusion procedure, which means that click-wrap license agreements are adhesion contracts, so their terms are set in standard forms and the agreement can be concluded only by joining to its conditions as a whole. Taking into account that click-wrap license agreements are electronic contracts, certain features of the offer to enter into an agreement and the acceptance of such an offer or its rejection are highlighted. It is concluded that pressing a certain button, clicking on a special field, etc. is considered to be an acceptance of the offer to enter into an agreement if the content of these actions is clearly described in the proposal. Based on the findings, the author has developed recommendations for optimizing the functioning of click-wrap license agreements as a regulator of relations of the intellectual property rights disposal. Moreover, the research creates a framework for further study of wrap license agreements in generalReferences
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