The latency of crimes against people’s lifе and well-being, that were comitted using firearms
latent crime, firearms, violent crimes, crimes against life and well-beingAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to examine the latentisation of crimes, committed against life and well-being in Ukraine with use of firearms. The task is to assess distribution, specify classification group, find out the causes and prevention measures for such offences.
Latent felony offences could be reviewed from criminological, procedural and forensics aspects. Criminological aspect of latent crime perception, as we see it, is the most expedient in terms of general crime research. In criminological aspect latent felonies are determined by a fact of their disregarded nature in crime statistics.
Factors of latentisation of crimes with use of fireams are specific for latent felonoes in general, such as: perpetrator’s actions in attempt of hiding the offence and it’s aftermath; unresponsive reaction of LEO’s concerning information about offense. There are also specific conditions related to specific interest of government and LE agencies in protection of lives and well-being of people and informing done in a specific order by hospitals about people with injuries of criminal character, including gunshot wounds.
What also counted is negative societal perception on live threatening offences, which leads to it’s cooperation with LE agencies to investigate those felonies. The registration order of firearms, which is done by LE agencies, is also a factor of ceasing of the latent felonies with use of firearms.
Analyzing specifics of felonies against life and well-being with use of firearms on territories of Joint Forces Operation in Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea, that temporarily out of Ukrainian control.
Counting classification of latent crimes, depending on level of their latency, crimes against life and well-being with use of firearms could be put in the group of leat latent crimesReferences
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