Legal problems of realization of public relations on creation and use of advanced technologies




innovation activity, innovative legislation, codification of innovation legislation, innovative relationships, technologies, creation of technologies


The article is devoted to the problem of overcoming the low efficiency of the innovation legislation of Ukraine in order to bring it in line with the requirements of the modern stage of technological development.

The author believes that the priority issues of development of innovation legislation of Ukraine are the creation of full legal objectivity for technology and / or for an innovative product, as well as a significant deepening of legislative detail of regulation of relations with special entities such as startups and venture funds. A separate problem that requires intensification of economic and legal policy of the state, according to the author, is the need to reform the entire system of organizational and economic support of innovation relations, the functioning of the national innovation system, and in particular mechanisms for applying special legal regimes of innovation.

The author supports the idea of the need to codify the legal regulation of innovation, as a separate measure to improve the quality and effectiveness of innovation legislation in Ukraine. Technology has long been a “focal point of knowledge”, the embodiment of a scientific driving force aimed at improving society and the economy.  The technological progressiveness of a country determines its position in the world and its economic competitiveness, as well as the structure and dynamics of development of the national economy. By far the most productive and effective force in society is the science that develops technology, and determines the scientific and technological development that is the relationship between the development of technology and science. Evolutionary changes in technological methods of production are conditioned by scientific and technological development, which in turn leads to changes in the economic system.  have a positive impact on the economic and social environment.  Given the growing population and social needs of technology, it is an object of close attention, as they depend on the development of society and the improvement of its living conditions.

Today, in the context of the implementation of the principle of continuous self-development of society, modern social and economic systems exist in a combination of production and technological aspects, which forces scientists to actively develop and implement technologies.  Society is shifting to the need for more rapid development driven by population growth and social needs.

Economists say that today, among the main aspects of both globalization and globalization processes, it is rightly called technological and therefore it is impossible to resolve socio-economic contradictions based on technological demand for production, focused on raw material resources and aggressive actions against the environment. Neo-industrialization, digitalisation, the emergence of new technologies and mobile automated high-tech industries - all these are leading to significant changes that are affecting the developing economies of developed countries and are challenging for developing countries

Author Biography

Надія Костянтинівна Гольєва, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

PhD Student of the Economic Law Department


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How to Cite

Гольєва, Н. К. (2020). Legal problems of realization of public relations on creation and use of advanced technologies. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1(17), 4.

