Ukraine eurointegration strategy: genesis and implementation features




genesis, history of Ukraine – EU relations, European integration of Ukraine, European Union, strategy


The article sets out the author’s definition of Ukraine’s European integration strategy as “a common, long-term, consistent plan that does not have a single material expression, defines motion vectors, priority priorities and indicators of the conditions for the formation and development of Ukraine, is accompanied by constant analysis and monitoring, during which it can be adequately adjustments in order to obtain Ukraine membership in the European Union ”and reveals the signs of Ukraine’s European integration strategy. Next, the genesis of relations between Ukraine and the European Union is phased analyzed. So, the entire history of Ukraine-EU relations can be divided into four stages. The first stage: the beginning of the 90s of the XX century - 1997-1998; second stage: 1997-1998 - 2005; third stage: 2005 - 2014; fourth stage: 2014 - present. Each of the stages has its own characteristics and was accompanied by significant events, for example, granting Ukraine the status of a country with a market economy and the signing of important international agreements. Also, the article reveals the features of relations between Ukraine and the European Union and the reasons for the protracted process of obtaining Ukraine full membership in the European Union. These are reasons such as: the development of Ukraine-EU relations during the formation of Ukrainian statehood; reluctance of representatives of the Ukrainian authorities of different times to conscientiously and fully comply with the requirements for obtaining full membership in the European Union; low level of awareness of the population of Ukraine regarding the "pluses" and "minuses" of European integration; geopolitical position of Ukraine; the 2014 annexation of the Crimean peninsula and the ongoing armed conflict in eastern Ukraine; procedural aspects in the European Union; the unwillingness of the countries of the European Union to accept Ukraine in its current state; internal problems of the European Union itself. The author proposed the main measures to continue the further successful implementation of Ukraine’s European integration strategy

Author Biography

Альбіна Миколаївна Цятковська, Vadim Hetman Kyiv National Economic University

Post-graduate Student of the Constitutional and Municipal Law Department


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How to Cite

Цятковська, А. М. (2019). Ukraine eurointegration strategy: genesis and implementation features. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 2(16), 2.

