Counteraction to the destruction, destruction or damage of cultural heritage objects: some modern problems
destruction, destruction of historical monuments, historical heritageAbstract
The article focuses on the issue of destruction, destruction or damage to historical heritage monuments. Examples of different approaches and actions are given in the event of an emergency situation on an object that has been classified as historical monuments. The latest changes in the legislation concerning prevention of destruction, destruction or damage of monuments and counteraction to this criminal law are considered.
Making sure that the revival of public interest in the national historical and cultural heritage as a valuable intellectual property of the Ukrainian nation, an influential means of national self-identification, the formation of objective historical memory and a powerful consolidation factor of citizenship can be counterbalanced by globalization processes, we consider it expedient to recognize timely and necessary the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on February 21, 2018 and the draft law «On Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine on the strengthening of the accountability for crimes in the sphere of cultural heritage and Article 44 of the Law of Ukraine «On Protection of Cultural Heritage» «(№8050). It is stressed that their adoption will contribute to preserving the cultural heritage of our state for future generations, will prevent the destruction, destruction or damage of cultural monumentsReferences
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