Тhe right of social security in the conditions of harmonization and reforming legislation: main aspects





social legislation, social sphere, social security, reformation


The system and legislation in the field of social security require changes, improvements and harmonization with European standards. Thus, the main tasks of Ukraine on the way of reforming the system of social protection and ensuring is the study of the experience of market reforms in developed countries, the obligatory consideration of current trends. In addition, it is necessary to overcome the inconsistency, inconsistency and inconsistency of legislation in this area.

This is possible if: it is possible to achieve the extension of social security only to citizens who are employed, their family members and persons who are not able to work; to fully introduce a differentiated approach, that is, they will receive adequate protection of the basic rights of the able-bodied, in particular, the right to work and its corresponding condition, receiving for this a special peace remuneration, as well as social insurance in case of loss of work, upon reaching retirement age, temporary or permanent disability, and the disabled are guaranteed material support and social services at the expense of social insurance and payments from state and local budgets; there will be a review and distribution of economic responsibility for the observance of social guarantees between the state, enterprises and citizens; the level of social guarantees will be established based on social standards, the most important of which are the minimum subsistence level, minimum wages and pensions, as well as social assistance amounts approved by the state; forms of social security of the population correspond to the degree of economic development

Author Biography

Анастасія Леонідівна Клименко, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Labor Law and Economic Law


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How to Cite

Клименко, А. Л. (2019). Тhe right of social security in the conditions of harmonization and reforming legislation: main aspects. Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence, 1(15), 3. https://doi.org/10.21564/2225-6555.2019.15.169640

